Wednesday 13 June 2007

My Personal Favourite

Firstly, thank you for taking time to read this blog! It is my first as you can see, hopefully the first of many.

I thought that this being the first, it is an opportunity to really introduce what can be expected from future blogs.

To introduce, I am a journalism student at Chester University, with a particular interest in Photography. I have not yet picked a favourite subject to photograph as you will see!

I have taken many pictures of the most random things, that to many people may not mean much, and my seem pointless. But as I learn more about the important technical things such as composition and DOF, I can learn how to improve the work that I thought was pretty good anyway!

So, enough about me and more about the picture that I will show you in this blog. I just want to put this one in first, as it is my personal favourite. You may have already seen it up in the top right hand corner!

This was taken on a train of all places. It is basically a black and white shot of my boyfriend's hands, clasped together.

It has received many good reviews on my Flickr page, which I was very pleased with.

I like it because it actually portrays something. It has emotion, and is not just a shot of someone's hand. Tension and nerves come across in the image, which I think is added to by the black and white effect. The framing also pleased me. There is no background distraction, but the tones and textures of the materials in the picture add to the effect in my opinion.

So, until I take something else that overtakes this, this is my overall favourite image of my own. Please feel free to add your own comments, and as I am a just learning, constructive criticism and tips are welcome.

Thank you!